Emmy & Josh | The Governor Thomas Bennett House

Here’s how Emmy and Josh explain how they became an item: “Josh had been courting Emmy for quite some, and on one evening in June at Dillon’s pub in downtown Boston, Massachusetts, he decided to test out an old theory. The cookie theory. See, Josh’s boyhood method of wooing girls had been to bring a cute girl a cookie and tell her that she was pretty. He had a lot of success with this method in the past. So this go around, being that Josh and Emmy were both 24, he decided to substitute the cookie for a good ol’ gin and tonic. He ordered two, walked over to Emmy, presented her the drink and told her that he thought she was really pretty. The method worked. She fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Although, Josh later found out that if he had indeed used the cookie, she would have fallen for him even faster.” A pair after our own hearts! The Boston couple got engaged while on a trip to Quebec, Canada, and since Emmy grew up in Kiawah, Charleston was a simple pick for their Big Day. Dana Cubbage Weddings captured the colorful nuptials (just over a month past) at The Governor Thomas Bennett House, where bright pink flowers by Loluma (and little pineapples popping up on everything from the invitations to the cocktail napkins to the groom’s socks) brought the feel of much warmer weather to the festivities. And to think it all started with the cookie theory.

Planning and Coordination: Charleston Wedding Planner by Mike Winship | Florals: Loluma | Photography: Dana Cubbage Weddings | Videography: Dock House Digital | Venue: The Governor Thomas Bennett House | Rentals: EventHaus | Catering and Cake: Cru Catering | Stationery: Dodeline Design | Band: Quiana Parler + Friends – EastCoast Entertainment | Bride’s Gown: Alvina Valenta from Jennifer’s Bridal | Beauty: Lashes and Lace | Men’s Attire: Indochino

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