While horsing around one hot summer day with his daughter, Ainsley, and then-girlfriend, Kelly, Will was moved to propose. A few excited screams and selfies later, the happy trio celebrated the engagement with family and friends. This past April, the couple, who had dated six years, exchanged vows at the Legare Waring House and hosted a stunning reception under the oaks. They reside in Atlanta.
Hey Mon! We have some serious tropical vibes happenin’ on the blog today and seeing that the official start of summer is just a few weeks away, we thought it only fair to share it with you all cuties...
Wakey wakey, all you sleepyheads. It’s a beautiful day and us gals over here at The Wedding Row office are here to make sure you roll out on the right side of the bed. How now? Well, once you lay...
If Kelly and Jeff’s relationship beginning was to have a theme song, it would have to be “With a Little Help by My Friends” by The Beatles. The two were introduced by way of mutual friends (hint,...
Just one more workday separates us from our beloved weekend and in the spirit of such, we wanted to set the mood and get you all primed and ready for what is to come. So let’s drink happy thoughts...
Bridgitt and Hayden met and became fast friends during their sophomore year of college at Wake Forest University. More than five years later, the duo got engaged on its campus which is sweeter than...
Shelby and Len owe a big thank you, really and truly, to Len’s father. How now? After finishing a round of golf together at the Country Club of Charleston, Len’s dad noticed a pretty blonde across...
Likely you’ve heard the phrase before, “There are plenty of fish in the sea.” You’ve probably heard it from a consoling girlfriend, trying to bolster your confidence in the fact that you are sure to...
Talk about one cool and cultured couple. From New York City to St. Thomas, Amsterdam, and France, Sophia and Alex have seen it all. So, it comes as little surprise that their Big Day was pretty...