Melissa & Elliott | The Cedar Room

Although Elliott and Melissa met each other in an MBA fellowship program, their relationship wouldn’t take off until a few years later. Being in the same program, they had naturally amassed a lot of the same friends and when Melissa last-minute sent an invite to a friend’s group chat asking folks to attend her birthday dinner, little did she know that Virginia-born Elliott would be one of the guests. The pair dated for a little while and then whomp, whomp … went their separate ways. That is, until Miss Melissa posted on Instagram two years later. What we are hoping was after a double-tap (he had to have “liked” the photo!), Elliott called Melissa up, out of the blue. This finally sealed the deal—they were dating official. Years later, after Elliott proposed with his late mother’s rings (on the same street where years previous Melissa had wished upon a shooting start to find true love), the couple went about planning their Charleston affair, choosing the city as it is where Elliott’s grandmother lived. The Cedar Room won out as venue of choice and Elliott, being the sweetheart that he is, walked down the aisle with his father and mother’s picture in his hand’s before turning to see his bride take her turn. After the vows were exchanged, the party broke loose and boy, did it ever. The bridal party introductions were said to be some of the most entertaining ever to be witnessed and judging from these images captured by Marni Rothschild, it looks like fun was had by one and all.


Wedding planner: Mac & B Events | Venue, catering, cake: The Cedar Room | Images: Marni Pictures | Florals: Roadside Blooms | Rentals: EventWorks + Ooh! Events + EventHaus Rentals | Draping: Lowcountry Entertainment | Music: DJ rDOT | Beauty: Garth K Sipio (hair) + Rebecca Wash (makeup) | Bride’s attire: Floravere | Bridesmaids’ attire: Jenny Yoo | Groom’s attire: Hugo Boss | Transportation: Coastal Limo


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