Jaye and John fell for each other when both were students at the College of Charleston. Soon after they began dating, the pair headed to Savannah for a short trip and dinner at The Olde Pink House,...
Barry Beaux: www.barrybeaux.com
Bottles: www.shopbottles.com
Brackish Bow Ties: www.brackishbowties.com
Charleston Engravers: www.charlestonengravers.com
Croghan’s Jewel Box: www.croghansjewelbox.com
Drift: www.driftcharleston.com
Edmund’s Oast: www.edmundsoast.com
Goorin Bros.: www.goorin.com
M. Dumas & Sons: www.mdumasandsons.com
Sandler’s Diamond & Time: www.sandlerjewelry.com