Kait & Alec | Lowndes Grove Plantation

We’ve all probably dreamt at one time or another of marrying the “boy next door.” Luckily for Kaitlyn, she fulfilled that dream in a kinda sorta way. Back in college, Kait and her roomies had a group of boisterous guys as college neighbors, who continuously knocked on their dorm door to get the girls to hang out. After numerous times pretending that they weren’t home (turning off all the lights and such), the gals caved and went to a campus bar. We bet you can guess who the guys brought along (yep, it’s the groom, Alec). The two felt sparks immediately and Kait says she “always answered the door from then on out.” 

Jump forward two years and hop across the border to Mexico where a surprise proposal went amiss. The bride tells us of the plan mix up and boy, is it worth a read. “ We went on a cruise to Mexico where Alec planned to propose while we swam with sea turtles- an excursion we booked several months in advance, and of course, the morning of,  the excursion was canceled. Alec scrambled to come up with another plan and decided to do it at dinner instead. At dinner the waiters brought out a cake that said “Happy Honeymoon” and started singing to us in front of the entire restaurant, but he played it off like it was meant for someone else. Plan C would be to do it on the beach of the island we were visiting the next day. I had absolutely no idea and was making it SO difficult on him by refusing to bother other beachgoers into “taking a photo of us.” That night he decided to pop the question while watching the sunset on the top deck of the ship!” Alec, props to you for all of your creativity and workarounds. 

The Ohio natives decided on a small destination wedding at Lowndes Grove then visited Charleston for the first time . . . and five more times before the wedding. Those Big Day nerves made everything before the ceremony and reception a blur. Kaitlyn brought to life her style and her love for interior design, with the help of Pure Luxe Bride. The day was complete with family, friends, and confetti cake (drooling over here). And check out those images of the yummy oysters by Aaron and Jillian Photography. The most handsome man (sorry Alec) was their golden retriever, Petey, who was a stunner throughout the ceremony. Cheers to these world travelers, may you have a honeymoon soon!

Planner: Pure Luxe Bride | Venue: Lowndes Grove Plantation | Florist: Petaloso | Rentals: Event Works | Tent: Snyder Rentals | Lounge: 428 Main | Lighting: Innovative Event Services | Ceremony Music: Bob Williams Duo | Reception Music: Darby Events | Images: Aaron & Jillian Photography | Beauty: Ash and Co. | Transportation: Coastal Limo + Lowcountry Valet | Photobooth: Little White Box | Wedding Dress: Martina Liana

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