Natural History

When interior designer Jenny Hackenberg and realtor Joe Keenan started planning their fall wedding, they were certain about only two things. First, that the ceremony should take place outdoors—as it turned out, under a huge live oak at Drayton Hall Plantation—with the water close by. And secondly? “We wanted everyone to be out there dancing!” laughs Jenny. “Apart from the location and a good band, which we really didn’t want to compromise on, we were pretty much open to anything.” With a love of the outdoors as their inspiration, the Keenans worked with event designers Soirée to create a wedding that Jenny describes as “whimsical but elegant, with a relaxed feel.” Because of Drayton Hall’s beautiful surroundings, they didn’t really have to do much to the grounds to obtain the “natural” look they had in mind. “Most of the décor we used had a very organic feel,” says Jenny. “I love color, so we had Gerber daisies everywhere. Each has a vibrancy, size, and shape all its own, which gives them a personality that’s quirky yet simple: exactly what we were going for with the wedding.”